Lecture by Prof. Fumihiro Wakai

The Coordination Team would like to invite you to the lecture by Prof. Fumihiro Wakai on Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 at 2:00 pm.
The title of the talk is: „Micro/nano-tomography and theoretical modelling for advancing ceramic processing technology”.
The talk will be given as a hybrid-presentation (face-to-face in the Seminarraum of IEK-1, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, bldg: 01.3, No.:234 and online). Please use the following MS Teams ID to join the presentation:
Meeting-ID: 370 161 615 014
password: i7YtkE
We look forward seeing you.
The uniaxial die compaction and sintering is an important industrial production method for metal and ceramic components. The reliability of the products depend on the heterogeneity in powder packing structure. Here we applied the synchrotron X-ray multiscale-CT to characterize the complex domain structures, i.e., agglomerates, in powder compacts, and revealed how heterogeneous distribution of fine residual pores is formed by the differential sintering of agglomerates by using a submicron alumina powder as a model. The applications of this visualization technology are reviewer, e.g., the processing of MLCC and the analysis of subsurface damage in a brittle material.
The deep understanding of rigid body motion of particles is required to predict the complicated microstructural evolution during sintering for manufacturing products with tailored properties. Here we present a rigorous simulation of sintering to show how rigid body motion accelerates the fundamental processes in complex evolution of microstructure. We propose that this result will be used as a benchmark for checking to what extent large-scale multi-particles simulations such as the phase field method, the kinetic Monte Carlo method, and the discrete element method, can approximate the rigid body motion of particles in sintering accurately.
Short biography of Prof. Wakai
Dr. Wakai is an emeritus professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology. (TokyoTech), Japan. He received both his B. S. and M.S. degrees in Physics from Kyoto University in 1978 and 1980, respectively. He joined the Government Industrial Research Institute, Nagoya, AIST, MITI. He received his Ph.D degree in 1988 from Kyoto University for his pioneering work on superplasticity of zirconia. He joined TokyoTech in 1997 as a professor, Materials and Structures Laboratory (MSL). He was the director of Laboratory for Materials and Structures, Institute for Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology from 2015-2017. He is working as a guest researcher of National Institute for Materials Science from 2021.
He was a guest scientist of Max-Planck Institute for Metals Research in Stuttgart, Germany (1993-1994), a laboratory chief in NIRI, Nagoya, and a research director of International Joint Research Program, Ceramics Superplasticity Project, JST (1995–1999).